March 31, 2015 Department of Agriculture Administrative Circular 03 Series of 2015 Subject: POLICIES AND GUIDELINES IN THE ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF ANIMAL POUNDS WHEREAS, Republic Act 8485 as amended by Republic Act 10631 otherwise known as the Animal Welfare Act of 1998, particularly Section 1 thereof provides for the protection and promotion of the […]
Anti-Rabies Act of 2007 (RA 9482) AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE CONTROL AND ELIMINATION OF HUMAN AND ANIMAL RABIES, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEREOF AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR\ Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the Nineteenth day of February, Two Thousand Seven. Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the […]
The Animal Welfare Act (RA 8485 as amended by RA10631) SECTION 1. It is the purpose of this Act to protect and promote the welfare of all terrestrial, aquatic and marine animals in the Philippines by supervising and regulating the establishment and operations of all facilities utilized for breeding, maintaining, keeping, treating or training of all […]